October 9, 2012
Deliverables from Phase 3 now available

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June 6, 2012
Pre-conference presentations available on seminar page!

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February 21, 2012
Tivit Future Internet pre-conference @ 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet, 30.5.2012

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All Press Releases, News and Events in the News section

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Book chapters

Frantti T and Majanen, M: Internet Traffic Shaping in WLANs by Packet Size Control, to the edited collection "Internet Traffic Engineering and Management", Nova Science Publishers, to appear

Neri, F, Kotilainen, N, Vapa, M: A Memetic-Neural Approach to Discover Resources in P2P Networks, in: J. van Hemert and C. Cotta eds., Recent Advances in Evolutionary Computation for Combinatorial Optimization, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 153, pages 113-129, chapter 8, Springer, September 2008


Norros, I, Flinck, H: Powering Internet with power-law networking. Telecommunication Systems. In: Telecommunication Systems, Springer, 2011

Polishchuk, T, Gurtov, A: Improving TCP-friendliness and fairness for mHIP. In: Infocommunications journal. 2011/I, 26-34.

Nikander, P, Gurtov, A, Henderson, T: Host Identity Protocol (HIP): Connectivity, Mobility, Multi-homing, Security, and Privacy over IPv4 and IPv6 networks, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, 12 (2), 2010.

Sri Kalyanaraman, R., Xiao, Y., Ylä-Jääski, A. Network Prediction for Energy-aware Transmission in Mobile Applicatioins. International Journal on Advances in Telecommunications. Vol 3, no. 1 &2, pp. 72-82. September 2010.

Varjonen, S, Komu, M. Gurtov, A: Secure and Efficient IPv4/v6 Handovers Using Host-Based Identifier-Location Split, Journal of Communications Software and Systems, 6(1), 2010.

Keränen, A, Kärkkäinen, T and Ott, J: Simulating Mobility and DTNs with the ONE (Invited Paper). JCM Special Issue on "Delay Tolerant Networks, Architecture, and Applications", Journal of Communications, Vol 5, No 2 (2010), 92-105, Feb 2010

Solis, J, Asokan, N, Kostiainen, K, Ginzboorg, P, Ott, J: Controlling Resource Hogs in Mobile Delay-tolerant Networks. In: the Elsevier Journal for Computer Communications (COMCOM), Volume 33 Issue 1, January, 2010, pp. 2-10

Pentikousis, K. In search of energy-efficient mobile networking, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol.48, no.1, pp.95-103, January 2010

Majanen, M, Pentikousis, K and Mäkelä, J: Ambient Networks Gateway Selection Architecture, in: International Journal On Advances in Networks and Services, vol 1 no 1, year 2008, pp. 52-63




Aalto, S, Lassila, P, Raatikainen, N, Tarkoma, S, Savolainen, P: P2P Video-on-Demand: Steady State and Scalability, IEEE Globecom 2010

Heikkinen, S. Siltala, S, Identity-Bound Accounting, 6th International Conference on Network and Service Management (CNSM 2010)

Aalto, S. Lassila, P. Savolainen. P and Tarkoma, S: Segmented P2P Video-on-Demand: Modeling and Performance, 22nd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 22), 2010

Frantti, T, Majanen, M, Sukuvaara, T: Delay Based Packet Size Control in Wireless Local Area Networks, The Second International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks (ICUFN 2010), June 16-18, 2010, Jeju Island, Korea

Koponen, V, Wang, L, Manner, J: Predicating Energy Consumption of Mobile Devices, SoftCom, Croatia, 2010

Rautio, T, Mämmelä, O, Mäkelä, J: Multiaccess NetInf: a prototype and simulations, Tridentcom 2010

Pentikousis, K, Rautio,T: A Multiaccess Network of Information, WoWMoM 2010

Xiao,Y., Savolainen, P., Karppanen, A., Siekkinen, M., Ylä-Jääski, A. Practical Power Modeling of Data Transmission over 802.11g for Wireless Applications. In ACM e-Energy '10

Kaur, P, Immonen, O, Kirichenko, A, Karvonen, K: Social Sharing of Security Expertise, in IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2010, (poster) Oakland, CA, USA.

Xiao,Y., Siekkinen, M., Ylä-Jääski, A. Framework for Energy-aware Lossless Compression in Mobile Services: The Case of E-mail. in: IEEE ICC 2010


Wang, L, Manner, J: Evaluation of Data Compression for Energy-aware Communication in Mobile Networks, IEEE CyberC, China, October, 2009.

Siikavirta, S, Manner, J, Wang, L: Reed-Solomon feasibility in Mobile transport, IEEE Cyberc, China, October, 2009.

Aalto, S, Lassila, P, Savolainen, P, Tarkoma, S: Segmented P2P Video-on-Demand: Modeling and Performance, 22nd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 22), 2009

Majanen, M, Perälä, P.H.J, Casey, T, Nurmi, J. and Veselinovic, N: Mobile WiMAX Handover Performance Evaluation,in: ICNS 2009, Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services, pp.263-269, 2009

Karvonen, K, Kilinkaridis, T, Immonen, O: WidSets: A Usability Study of Widget Sharing, in: INTERACT 09, Uppsala, Sweden 2009.

Xiao, Y, Sri Kalyanamaran, R, Ylä-Jääski, A: Middleware for Energy-awareness in Mobile Devices, in: ACM COMSWARE 2009

Levä, T, Hämmäinen, H, Kilkki, K: Scenario Analysis on Future Internet, in: IARIA's Internet 2009 conference

Gurtov, A, Polishchuk, T: Secure Multipath Transport for Legacy Internet Applications. A.Gurtov, in: Proceedings of BROADNETS 2009, Madrid, September 2009.

Jokela, P., Zahemszky, A., Esteve Rothenberg, C., Arianfar, S., and Nikander, P. 2009. LIPSIN: line speed publish/subscribe inter-networking, in: Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2009 Conference on Data Communication (Barcelona, Spain, August 16 - 21, 2009). SIGCOMM '09. ACM, New York, NY, 195-206.

Pentikousis, K: Pitfalls in Energy Consumption Evaluation Studies, Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Siena, Italy, September 2009, pp. 368-372

Sri Kalyanamaran, R, Xiao, Y, Ylä-Jääski, A: Network Prediction for Adaptive Mobile Applications, in: UBICOMM 2009


Tarkoma, S, Trossen, D, Särelä, M: Black boxes: making ends meet in data driven networking, in: Proceedings of the 3rd international Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving internet Architecture (Seattle, WA, USA, August 22 - 22, 2008). MobiArch '08. ACM, New York, NY, 67-72

Rajahalme, J, Särelä, M, Nikander, P, Tarkoma, S: Incentive-Compatible Caching and Peering in Data-Oriented Networks, in: Re-Arch'08

Esteve, C, Verdi, F, Magalhaes, M: Towards a new generation of information-oriented internetworking architectures, in: Re-Arch'08

Frantti, T, Huusko, J, Savola, R and Könönen, V: Architecture Requirements of the Future Internet, Proceedings of 4th International Mobile Multimedia Communications Conference, ACM digital library, ISBN 978-963-9799-25-7, July 7-9, Oulu, 2008, Finland

Xiao, Y, Sri Kalyanaraman, R, Ylä-Jääski, A: Energy Consumption of Mobile YouTube:Quantitative Measurement andAnalysis, in Second International Conference and Exhibition on Next Generations Mobile Applications Services and Technologies (NGMAST 2008), Sep 16-19, Cardiff, Wales, UK, 2008.

Miaoqing, T, Arjona, A. and Ylä-Jääski, A: Real-time Service Migration for Voice over IP Services, In proceedings of The Second International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing Systems, Services and Technologies, UBICOMM 2008, Sep 29-Oct 4, Valencia, Spain, 2008

Järvinen, I, Kojo, M: Improving Processing Performance of Linux TCP SACK Implementation, in: PFLDnet 2008

Paschos, G, Mannersalo, P: Providing quality of service guarantees in multiclass IEEE 802.16e sleep mode, in: IEEE Globecom 2009



Karvonen, K, Shibasaki, S, Nunes, S, Kaur, P & Immonen, O: Visual Nudges for Enhancing the Use and Produce of Reputation Information. In the proceedings of the Workshop on User-Centric Evaluation of Recommender Systems and Their Interface (UCERSTI), 4th ACM Recommender Systems conference (RecSys 2010), September 2010, Barcelona, Spain

Ginzboorg,P, Kärkkäinen, T, Ruotsalainen, A, Andersson, M, Ott, J: DTN Communication in a Mine. Proceedings of the 2nd Extreme Workshop on Communications, Dharamsala, India, September 2010

Kaur, P, Immonen, O, Kirichenko, A, Karvonen, K: Social Sharing of Security Expertise, in: Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security (SOUPS 2010),(poster) Microsoft, Redmond, WA, US. July 14-16, 2010

Kangasharju, J. Ott, J, Karkulahti, O: Floating Content: Information Availability in Urban Environments, in Proceedings of IEEE PerCom Workshops, Mannheim, Germany, March 29 - April 2, 2010


Raatikainen, N, Tarkoma, S, Savolainen, P, Aalto, S, Lassila, P: Performance modeling of P2P Video-on-Demand, in Euro-NF Workshop on Traffic Management and Traffic Engineering for the Future Internet, Paris, France, December 7-8, 2009

Rantala, E, Karppanen, A, Granlund, S: Modeling Energy Efficiency in Wireless Internet Communication", in: MobiHeld workshop (co-located with SIGCOMM 2009)  

Keränen, A, Ott, J: DTN over Aerial Carriers. 4th ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks, Beijing, China, September 2009

Zahemszky, A, Esteve, C, Csaszar, A, Nikander, P: Exploring the Pub/Sub Routing&Forwarding Space, ICC Workshop on the Network of The Future, 2009.

Kjällman, J: Attachment to a Native Publish/Subscribe Network, ICC Workshop on the Network of The Future, 2009

Keinänen, J, Jokela, P, Slavov, K: Implementing zFilter based forwarding node on a NetFPGA, NetFPGA Developers Workshop 2009


Vogt, C: Six-One Router — A Scalable and Backwards-Compatible Solution for Provider-Independent Addressing and IPv4/IPv6 Interworking (elaborated version). ACM International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (MobiArch), August 2008.

Vogt, C: Routing Scalability Challenges, Solution Proposals, Backwards Compatibility. Presentation at the Future Internet Workshop, hosted by Ericsson Research, Kista,Sweden, April 2008.

Vogt, C: Internet Routing Scalability Issues and Solutions. Presentation at the Internet and Computing Forum, HelsinkiUniversity of Technology, May 2008.

Vogt, C: Stateless NAT — Routing Scalability Solution That 'Just Works'? Presentation at the Perspectives Workshop on End-to-End Protocols for a Future Internet, Dagstuhl, Germany, June 2008.

Vogt, C: Stateless NAT — Routing Scalability Solution That 'Just Works'? Presentation at University of Würzburg,Germany, June 2008.

Vogt, C: Six/One Router — A Scalable and Backwards-Compatible Solution for Provider-Independent Addressing. Presentation at the ACM International Workshop on Mobility in the Evolving Internet Architecture (MobiArch), August 2008.

Särelä, M, Rinta-aho, T, Tarkoma, S: RTFM: Publish/Subscribe Internetworking Architecture, in: Mobile ICT Summit 2008

Nikander, P, Marias, G: Towards Understanding Pure Publish/Subscribe Cryptographic Protocols, in: Cambridge Security Protocols Workshop 2008



C. Vogt: Six/One Router — Design and Motivation. IRTF Routing research group, July 2008.

C. Vogt: Design Taxonomy and Analysis for Routing Scalability Improvements. IRTF Routing research group, July 2008.

C. Vogt: Towards a Hostname-Oriented Network Protocol Stack for Flexible Addressing in a Dynamic Internet. IRTF Routing research group, November 2008.

C. Vogt: Suggestions Towards Next Steps in RRG. Presentation at the IRTF Routing research group meeting, Minneapolis, USA, November 2008. 


July, 2010; Internet-Draft; C. Dannewitz, T. Rautio, O Strandberg: Secure naming structure and p2p application interaction, "draft-dannewitz-ppsp-secure-naming-00" (work in progress)

March 8, 2010. Using TCP Selective Acknowledgement (SACK) Information to Determine Duplicate Acknowledgements for Loss Recovery Initiation, I. Jarvinen, M. Kojo. Internet-Draft Work-in-progress, draft-ietf-tcpm-sack-recovery-entry-01.txt

March 2010. A. Keränen, G. Camarillo, J. Mäenpää, Host Identity Protocol-Based Overlay Networking Environment (HIP BONE) Instance Specification for REsource LOcation And Discovery (RELOAD), draft-ietf-hip-reload-instance-01.txt, Internet-Draft

Sept 2009. P. Sarolahti, M. Kojo, K. Yamamoto, and M. Hata. Forward RTO-Recovery (F-RTO): An Algorithm for Detecting Spurious Retransmission Timeouts with TCP, RFC 5682, Proposed Standard, Internet Society

May 7 2009. Renumbering still needs work, Internet-Draft, Carpenter B., Atkinson R., Flinck H.  

Oct 30, 2008. Forward RTO-Recovery (F-RTO): An Algorithm for Detecting Spurious Retransmission Timeouts with TCP, Internet-Draft;  P. Sarolahti, M. Kojo, K. Yamamoto, and M. Hata, "draft-ietf-tcpm-4138bis-04.txt" (in RFC editors queue for Proposed Standard).

Sep 9, 2008. Internet-Draft;  P. Sarolahti, M. Kojo, K. Yamamoto, and M. Hata. Forward RTO-Recovery (F-RTO): An Algorithm for Detecting Spurious Retransmission Timeouts with TCP, "draft-ietf-tcpm-4138bis-03.txt" (work in progress)

July 28, 2008. Presentation in the TCPM WG meeting on Advancing F-RTO to Proposed Standards, IETF Presentation, M. Kojo, IETF-72 standardization meeting, Dublin, Ireland



Siikavirta, S: Working multipath-NAT demo in SHOK SUMMIT 2010

TIVIT Foresight seminar: WP4 - a demo stand with OpenVPN connectivity suite demos (CSC, TUT, HUT) 4.11.2009

DT Talkie demo at IEEE CCNC 2009

Blackhawk implementation demo at the TIVIT Results and Strategy Seminar in Dipoli on April 14th 2009

OpenVPN virtual connectivity (testbed) demo showing IPTV at the TIVIT Results and Strategy Seminar in Dipoli on April 14th 2009 

DT Talkie demo at ACM MobiCom 2008



TREX Workshop 2010, 19.2.2010: Huhtanen K., Savola P., ICT SHOK Future Internet WP4 Testbed

TREX Workshop 2010, 19.2.2010: Huhtanen K., Roaming with Wireless Tampere and Funet WLAN Roaming

Huhtanen K., Miettinen J., Savola P., ICT SHOK Future Internet Testbed poster for Terena Networking Conference 2010

Siikavirta, S, Moktan, G.R., Jaakkola, A: Multipath Transport on the Internet (Helsinki University of Technology, Department of Communications and Networking) 6th FRUCT seminar on telecommunications, 2009.

Juvonen, R: Future Internet program. TIVIT Foresight seminars 4.11.2009, Helsinki

Juvonen, R: Future Internet in ICT SHOK. EU - Finland Workshop on Future Internet, 7.12.2009, Helsinki.

TIVIT Foresight seminar, demo stand presentation 4.11.2009: Huhtanen K., Savola P., Peuhkuri M: ICT SHOK Future Internet WP4 Testbed

Forsberg, D, Blommaert, M, Horn, G: T09: Security for 3GPP's Evolved Packet System - A Fourth Generation System, IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC'09), Budapest, Hungary, April 2009.

Särelä, M: Towards deployability of distributed denial of service resistant technologies, Cambridge, 27.11.2008

Nikander, P:Pure Publish/Subscribe Inter-networking, MIT CFP Privacy & Security workshop, Cambridge, 21.10.2008

Nikander, P: Information-Centric Inter-Networking: Architectural Aspects, SICS, Stockholm, 30 Sep 2008

Ott, J: Some thoughts on Server and Storage Virtualization, Dagstuhl seminar on Network virtualization, 18/19 September 2008

Nikander, P: Socio-economics, ICT Future Internet Concentration, Stockholm 11.6.2008

Särelä, M: Social Aspects of Trust in Internet: Issues and Incentives. CTTE 2008 Workshop, Paris, 18.6.2008

Nikander, P: On Purely Pub/Sub Security Protocols - or - vice versa?, Workshop on Security Protocols, Cambridge, 16.-18.4.2008



Siikavirta, S, Jaakkola, A: Multipath NAT implementation, open source

Majanen, M: Numbat WiMAX patch to OMNeT++ v. 4.0, open source

PurpleNet, OpenVPN User Interface, initial version (0.6.0), 14th of October 2009, http://purplenet.sourceforge.net/

OpenVPN live-CD for Researcher's Virtual Desktop http://www.netlab.tkk.fi/tutkimus/fi-shok/usecase.html



Doctoral theses

Ylitalo, J. Secure Mobility at Multiple Granularity Levels over Heterogeneous Datacom Networks, TKK 2008

Korhonen, J. IP Mobility in Wireless Operator Networks, University of Helsinki 2008

Koponen, T. A Data-Oriented Network Architecture, TKK 2008 

Master's and Bachelor's theses

Zahariev, A: Graphical user interface for intrusion detection in telecommunications networks. Master's Thesis. Aalto University, May 2011.

Niemelä, A: Traffic analysis for intrusion detection in telecommunications networks. Master of Science Thesis. Tampere University of Technology, April 2011.

Kinable, J: Malware Detection Through Call Graphs. Master's Thesis. Aalto University, Department of Information and Computer Science, August 2010.

Zhang, N: Internet Content Delivery as a Two-Sided Market. Master's thesis, Aalto University, October 2010

Siltala, S: Kiistämättömyysprotokollat, Bachelor's thesis (in Finnish), Tampere University of Technology, June, 2010

Jaakkola, I. Improving Networking Technology Research and Teaching Environment by Utilizing Virtual Machine and Virtual Network Environment, Master's thesis, Aalto University, May 2010

Rautio,T: Enhanced Peer Discovery for Multiaccess Peer-to-Peer Networks, Master's thesis, University of Oulu, April, 2010.

Tiainen, M. Network Environment for Testing Peer-to-Peer Streaming Applications, Master's thesis, Tampere University of Technology, January 2010

Hämäläinen, H. Nimentä tulevaisuuden Internet-arkkitehtuurissa, MS thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, 2010

Wang, L. Evaluation of Compression for Energy Awareness Communication in Wireless Networks, Master's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2009

Karkulahti,O. Distributed Location-Aware Hovering Information Systems, Master's thesis, Department of Computer Science, University of Helsinki, 2009

Shen, Y. The Simulation of Reputation Systems in Widget Sharing Communities: A Comparison Study, Master's thesis, University of Helsinki, 2009

Railio, O. Effect of service time distribution on BitTorrent-type peer-to-peer file transfer, Master's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, September 2009

Kjällman, J. Attachment to a Native Publish/Subscribe Network, Master's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2009

Levä, T. Scenario Analysis on Future Internet, Master's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2009

Wang, L. Evaluation of Compression for Energy Awareness Communication in Wireless Networks, Master's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2009

Benito Sanz, J.R. Power Measurement and analysis of mobile instant communications in  802.11g, Master's thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2008 

Gagliardi, S. Content caching mechanisms for information-centric networks. Master's Thesis, Helsinki University of Technology, 2008 


Technical reports

Hassinen, M, Immonen, O, Karvonen, K, Nurmi, P, Ruohomaa, S: Trustworthy Widget Sharing. HIIT Technical Reports 2010-3, December 2010

Lääkkölä, R, Lassila, P, Aalto, S: P2P Live Streaming in a Dynamic Setting, Technical Report, Aalto University School of Science and Technology, August 2010

Arianfar, S, Nikander, P, Ott, J: Packet-level Caching for Information-centric Networking, Technical Report Aalto University, 2010


Other publications

Juvonen, R ja Manner, J: Internetin alustaa uudistetaan - Korjataan netti paremmaksi. Prosessorin PROTEKNOLOGIA - Marraskuu 2009

Juvonen, R, ja Manner, J: ICT SHOK etsii ratkaisuja - Netin tulevaisuus askarruttaa. Prosessori 11/2008, s. 54