October 9, 2012
Deliverables from Phase 3 now available

>> download

June 6, 2012
Pre-conference presentations available on seminar page!

>> download

February 21, 2012
Tivit Future Internet pre-conference @ 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet, 30.5.2012

>> Program


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February 23, 2012

Tivit Future Internet preconference 30.5.2012

Tivit Future Internet pre-conference @ 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet, 30.5.2012, Dipoli, Espoo.

The Finnish national Future Internet program - which has been running from 2008 to 2012 - will organize its final seminar as a pre-conference to the 3rd European Summit on the Future Internet.

The mission of the program has been to enhance the Internet technology and ecology as a platform for innovation while providing strong governance over the use of the network resources and information.

>> See full seminar programme and register on the seminar page!

>> Direct link to registration, deadline May 15, 2012


December 8, 2011

Future Internet presentations at Tivit Results and Business Forum 12.4.2011


Future Internet research programme research results were presented at the Tivit Results and Business Forum on 12.4.2011 at Wanha Satama, Kanavakatu 5, Helsinki.

The programme of the day included parallel sessions for ongoing ICT SHOKs. Future Internet programme had presentations from each technical work package of the programme. The presentations are now available for downloading:

>> Programme
>> WP1: Driving directions for packets (and some parking tips) - Hannu Flinck, Nokia Siemens Networks
>> WP2: Improved end-to-end connectivity for energy constrained and challenged environments - Johanna Nieminen, Nokia
>> WP3: Results from Information Networking - Jussi Kangasharju, University of Helsinki
>> WP6:Towards secure Internet - Mika Rautila, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland

February 25, 2011

Future Internet SHOK results seminar presentation slides now available

The presentations, posters and demo posters can now be freely downloaded from the seminar website.

>> Seminar page


January 19, 2011

Future Internet SHOK results seminar 15.2.2011

The Future Internet programme will presented the results of the second phase on 15.2.2011 at Nokia Ruoholahti, Itämerenkatu 11. This is an all-day event from 8:30-17:00.


Keynote Speaker: Scott Shenker

The keynote speech "Architecting for Internet Innovation" is given by Professor Scott Shenker from University of California, Berkeley, US.

Scott Shenker is a professor of computer science at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also the leader of the Networking Group and the vice president of the International Computer Science Institute.

The seminar is open for everyone interested in Future Internet.

>> Seminar programme


October 5, 2010

FI SHOK presented at Tivit Foresight seminar

The Future Internet programme will be presented in the Tivit Foresight seminar at Tampere, Hotel Scandic Rosendahl, Pyynikintie 13 on October 5, 2010.

From the FI SHOK, the seminar includes a presentation on the FI programme future directions by FI SHOK Academic Coordinator Professor Jukka Manner and several demos and posters during the seminar day and the poster and demo session:

"Reputation management system for TWiki and Foswiki", Marko Helenius and Joona Kannisto (TUT)

"Packet based multipath", Sebastian Siikavirta, Antti Jaakkola, Jukka Manner (Aalto/COMNET)

"Multiaccess NetInf: a prototype and simulations, Teemu Rautio, Olli Mämmelä and Jukka Mäkelä (VTT)

"Energy-awareness in Mobile Computing and Communications", Yu Xiao, Matti Siekkinen, Antti Ylä-Jääski (Aalto/CSE)

"Connecting Network Research on Multiple Levels via Collaboration", Karri Huhtanen (TUT), Jari Miettinen (CSC), Pekka Savola (CSC)

See Tivit's events calendar for more information on the seminar.


September 20, 2010

Finnish Internet Forum arranged with strong FI SHOK presence

The Finnish Internet Forum, organised September 20 - 21, 2010 in Helsinki, was the first national Internet Governance meeting in Finland. It took place after the conclusion of the 5th international Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Vilnius the week before, and many participants of the latter also attended the Finnish forum.

The main organizers of the Finnish Internet Forum were the Committee of the Future and the Information Society Group of the Parliament, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Transport and Communications, ISOC Finland and The Finnish Information Society Development Centre (TIEKE).

Several members of the FI SHOK programme were invited to participate in the seminar.

See www.internetforum.fi for more information.



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